Product update

Fixes + public conversations

Fixes + public conversations
February 3, 2022

Release Date: 8/18/21

As promised in my previous update, I am excited to highlight our latest product fixes and newest features!

✨  Improved Adding & Renaming Assets

Based on your feedback, we have updated the add asset flow in our extension. It includes:

  • A more streamlined look and feel
  • The ability to opt-out of the prompt to add an asset (click "no" —> opt out)

In addition, you can rename an asset when adding it or at any time via the asset itself (go to asset —> asset info —> hover over & click the name)

📢  Public conversations 📢

By default, conversations are private and only accessible by a) the creator, b) users you have specifically @mentioned in comments and c) your data team, who have editor permissions to your entire workspace and all its conversations and assets.

However, with this latest release you can now make a conversation public. Use case: curate and promote a frequently asked question for any stakeholder to view!